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Example - Github API

In this guide we are going to build a component that asks for an username and then fetches all the repositories for that user on Github.

The final result will look like this:

Search for a github user

Error: API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)

0. Install kea-listeners

We'll be using listeners in this example. To add support for them, install the kea-listeners packages.

# if using yarn
yarn add kea-listeners

# if using npm
npm install kea-listeners --save

Then import listenersPlugin from kea-listeners and use it in the plugins array in your resetContext().

import { resetContext } from 'kea'
import listenersPlugin from 'kea-saga'

  plugins: [

Read here for more

1. Input the username

Now that you have seen the end result, let's build it, piece by piece.

The first thing we want to do is to have an input field to enter the username and store it in kea:

import React from 'react'
import { kea, useActions, useValues } from 'kea'

const logic = kea({
  actions: () => ({
    setUsername: (username) => ({ username })

  reducers: ({ actions }) => ({
    username: ['keajs', {
      [actions.setUsername]: (_, payload) => payload.username

function Github () {
    const { username } = useValues(logic)
    const { setUsername } = useActions(logic)

    return (
      <div className='example-github-scene'>
        <div style={{marginBottom: 20}}>
          <h1>Search for a github user</h1>
            onChange={e => setUsername(} />
          Repos will come here...

Live demo:

Search for a github user

Repos will come here...

2. Capture calls setUsername and trigger an API call

The next step is to listen for the setUsername action and run some code whenever it has been dispatched:

const logic = kea({
  actions: () => ({
    setUsername: (username) => ({ username })

  reducers: ({ actions }) => ({
    username: ['keajs', {
      [actions.setUsername]: (_, payload) => payload.username

  listeners: ({ actions }) => ({
    [actions.setUsername]: ({ username }) => {
      /// ...

3. Trigger the actual call

We must ask Github for data about this user.

For this we'll use the standard window.Fetch API. We also add 300 milliseconds of debounce before actually making the call, to give the user time to add another keystroke:

const API_URL = ''

const logic = kea({
  // ...

  listeners: ({ actions }) => ({
    [actions.setUsername]: async ({ username }, breakpoint) => {
      await breakpoint(300) // debounce for 300ms

      const url = `${API_URL}/users/${username}/repos?per_page=250`
      const response = await window.fetch(url)

      breakpoint() // break if action was dispatched again while we were fetching

      const json = await response.json()

      if (response.status === 200) {
        // we have the repositories in `json`
        // what to do with them?
      } else {
        // there is an error in `json.message`
        // what to do with it?

4. Store the response of the call

Now that we get the repositories, where to put them?

The answer: in a few new reducers.

We're interested in 3 things:

  1. Whether we're currently fetching and data: isLoading
  2. The repositories that we have fetched: repositories
  3. Any error that might have occurred: error

We can get all of this by just adding two new actions:

  1. One to set the repositories: setRepositories
  2. One to set the error message: setFetchError

Hooking them up gives the following result:

const logic = kea({
  actions: () => ({
    setUsername: (username) => ({ username }),
    setRepositories: (repositories) => ({ repositories }),
    setFetchError: (message) => ({ message })

  reducers: ({ actions }) => ({
    username: ['keajs', {
      [actions.setUsername]: (_, payload) => payload.username
    repositories: [[], {
      [actions.setUsername]: () => [],
      [actions.setRepositories]: (_, payload) => payload.repositories
    isLoading: [false, {
      [actions.setUsername]: () => true,
      [actions.setRepositories]: () => false,
      [actions.setFetchError]: () => false
    error: [null, {
      [actions.setUsername]: () => null,
      [actions.setFetchError]: (_, payload) => payload.message

  listeners: ({ actions }) => ({
    // ...

Now we just need to call the right actions from the worker:

const API_URL = ''

const logic = kea({
  // ...

  listeners: ({ actions }) => ({
    [actions.setUsername]: async ({ username }, breakpoint) => {
      await breakpoint(300) // debounce for 300ms

      const url = `${API_URL}/users/${username}/repos?per_page=250`
      const response = await window.fetch(url)

      // break if the same action was dispatched again while we were fetching for fetch

      const json = await response.json()

      if (response.status === 200) {
        actions.setRepositories(json)         // <-- new
      } else {
        actions.setFetchError(json.message)   // <-- new

5. Display the result

The last step is to display the repositories to the user. To do this we use the following code:

function Github () {
  const { username, isLoading, repositories, error } = useValues(logic)
  const { setUsername } = useActions(logic)

  return (
    <div className='example-github-scene'>
      <div style={{marginBottom: 20}}>
        <h1>Search for a github user</h1>
          onChange={e => setUsername(} />
      {isLoading ? (
      ) : repositories.length > 0 ? (
          Found {repositories.length} repositories for user {username}!
          { => (
            <div key={}>
              <a href={repo.html_url} target='_blank'>{repo.full_name}</a>
              {' - '}
              {repo.stargazers_count} stars, {repo.forks} forks.
      ) : (
          {error ? `Error: ${error}` : 'No repositories found'}

Giving us the following result:

Search for a github user

No repositories found

It works! Almost...

6. Last steps

What's still missing?

Well, for starters it would be nice if it would fetch all the respositories on page load.

Also, it would be great to sort the repositories by the number of stars

Let's fix these points!

First, to load the repositories on page load, we can use kea's mount events and run an action whenever the logic is mounted:

const logic = kea({
  // listeners: ...

  events: ({ actions, values }) => ({
    afterMount: () {

To stort the results we can create a selector that takes repositories as input and outputs a sorted array:

const logic = kea({
  // ...
  selectors: ({ selectors }) => ({
    sortedRepositories: [
      () => [selectors.repositories],
      (repositories) => {
        return repositories.sort((a, b) => b.stargazers_count - a.stargazers_count)

Now all that's left to do is to replace repositories with sortedRepositories in your component.

Because the selectors are made with reselect under the hood, you can be sure that they will only be recalculated (resorted in this case) when the original input (repositories) change, not between other renders.

7. Final result

Adding the finishing touches gives us this final masterpiece:

Search for a github user

Error: API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)

With this code:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { kea } from 'kea'

const API_URL = ''

const logic = kea({
  actions: () => ({
    setUsername: (username) => ({ username }),
    setRepositories: (repositories) => ({ repositories }),
    setFetchError: (message) => ({ message })

  reducers: ({ actions }) => ({
    username: ['keajs', {
      [actions.setUsername]: (_, payload) => payload.username
    repositories: [[], {
      [actions.setUsername]: () => [],
      [actions.setRepositories]: (_, payload) => payload.repositories
    isLoading: [true, {
      [actions.setUsername]: () => true,
      [actions.setRepositories]: () => false,
      [actions.setFetchError]: () => false
    error: [null, {
      [actions.setUsername]: () => null,
      [actions.setFetchError]: (_, payload) => payload.message

  selectors: ({ selectors }) => ({
    sortedRepositories: [
      () => [selectors.repositories],
      (repositories) => repositories.sort(
                          (a, b) => b.stargazers_count - a.stargazers_count)

  listeners: ({ actions }) => ({
    [actions.setUsername]: async ({ username }, breakpoint) => {
      await breakpoint(300) // debounce for 300ms

      const url = `${API_URL}/users/${username}/repos?per_page=250`
      const response = await window.fetch(url)

      // break if the same action was dispatched again while we were fetching for fetch

      const json = await response.json()

      if (response.status === 200) {
        actions.setRepositories(json)         // <-- new
      } else {
        actions.setFetchError(json.message)   // <-- new

function GithubScene {
  const { username, isLoading, repositories,
          sortedRepositories, error } = useValues(logic)
  const { setUsername } = useActions(logic)

  return (
    <div className='example-github-scene'>
      <div style={{marginBottom: 20}}>
        <h1>Search for a github user</h1>
        <input value={username}
              onChange={e => setUsername(} />
      {isLoading ? (
      ) : repositories.length > 0 ? (
          Found {repositories.length} repositories for user {username}!
          { => (
            <div key={}>
              <a href={repo.html_url} target='_blank'>{repo.full_name}</a>
              {' - '}{repo.stargazers_count} stars, {repo.forks} forks.
      ) : (
          {error ? `Error: ${error}` : 'No repositories found'}

There's still one thing that's broken:

If a github user or organisation has more than 100 repositories, only the first 100 results will be returned. Github's API provides a way to ask for the next 100 results (the Link headers), but as resolving this is outside the scope of this guide, it will be left as an exercise for the reader ;).